A short story about a lesson that can be learned from an old cherokee indian.
Day: August 29, 2020
Englands economyEnglands economy
A very short story about the prediction of englands economy by the bank of England in August 2020.
10 Year magic plan10 Year magic plan
A short story about why it is important to think about your financial future and make a 10 year plan.
Struck by lightningStruck by lightning
A short chinese story about a life lesson from an old man and his servant.
Why cats chase ratsWhy cats chase rats
A very old short chinese story about the formation of the zodiac signs and chinese astronomy. It is almost like a fairytale but written
What is value investing to me?What is value investing to me?
A new definition of value investing in the early 20's of this milenium. With tech comapnies growing bigger than ever before. When stockmarkets seems