A new 3D printer for @ home

Although I think of myself as an early adopter I still don’t have a 3D printer. The thing is that I don’t know what to do with it. Sure it is nice to print some (plastic) jewelry, or make a blue frog. But than what? At the airport I saw some 3D printed phonecovers. Now that’s a nice thing to make at home. I think it will take some time for people To really get used To making things yourself. Untill that is accomplished I can understand why 3D printers are now mainly bought by do-it-yourself-ers. 3D printing stocks had a heck of a run in 2013. Stratasys (SSYS) gained 73% on the year, 3D Systems (DDD) jumped 173%. But lately, 3D printing stocks have had a rough go of it. 3D Systems and Stratasys are down significantly in 2014 as investors have started to wonder whether the reality lives up to the hype in this fast-moving sector. How many people print their own photos? I don’t I have a photobook printed online and have it send to me. That is also what I did with a 3D model of my own head (it didn’t help, just as ugly) So that’s what I hink. I see a huge market for industrial/professional 3D printers. But not so much for the ones in your home, not for a while. Even though a printer is less than $1.000 now. It will only be for the craftsmen.


And now it is:[stock-tools exchange=”NASDAQ” symbol=”SSYS” image_height=”100″ image_width=”150″]

3d-printing-stocks-ddd-stockAnd now it is:[stock-tools exchange=”NASDAQ” symbol=”DDD” image_height=”100″ image_width=”150″] 



Over the Wiseguy

Stock trader, Owner and Administrator of "the-wiseguy.com". . . "TA is like surfing. You don't have to know a lot about het physics of tides to catch a good wave. You just have to be able to sense when it's happening and have the drive to act at the right time"

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