Nyrstar one of my best performing stock for the last 6 months.

Last october my neighbour (E) came up with the idea of buying Nyrstar. I started with a small portion via a CFD. In this case a Dutch leveraged product called a “Turbo” (a Turbo is a product whereby investors benefit from the increase or decline in value of an underlying asset without investing in that asset directly and only have to put up part of the value of the asset. The remainder is funded by the provider. This creates leverage). The leverage is 1.7 and that brings my profit in 6 months to about 50%. I recently bought some more because I think the stock might run up to about €5 or even €6.

Nyrstar was founded in 2007 out of Umicore and Zinifex.That way it became an integrated mining and metals business, with market leading positions in zinc and lead, and growing positions in other base and precious metals; essential resources that are fuelling the rapid urbanisation and industrialisation of our changing world. Nyrstar has mining, smelting, and other operations located in Europe, the Americas, China and Australia and employs over 6,500 people. Nyrstar is incorporated in Belgium and has its corporate office in Switzerland. Nyrstar is listed on Euronext Brussels under the symbol NYR.

In early 2009, they began a journey of transformation. From inception as a pure play zinc and lead smelting company, they have rapidly and successfully grown our business, predominantly through carefully selected acquisitions, to become an integrated miner and smelter.

1-year summary

1-year summary

 Most recent quote: [stock-tools symbol=”NYR.BR” image_height=”90″ image_width=”150″]


Over the Wiseguy

Stock trader, Owner and Administrator of "the-wiseguy.com". . . "TA is like surfing. You don't have to know a lot about het physics of tides to catch a good wave. You just have to be able to sense when it's happening and have the drive to act at the right time"

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