Update to our ETF

After the big drop in proffits this year we are finally going up again. That is a small surprise. If things continue like this I’m afraid we are not going to make the 40% profit this year. I hope we’ll get 30%. We still have 3 months to go. It…

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Atoss Software AG

Sector: TechnologyIndustry: Software—ApplicationFull Time Employees: 540 ATOSS Software AG develops and sells workforce management software in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and internationally. It also provides software maintenance, hardware, and consulting services relating to the provision of electronic support for various corporate processes involved in the deployment of personnel resources at business enterprises and public…

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What happened to Gamestop?

This was a nice soap this week. GameStop is just a place to buy a video game. On Wall Street, though, it’s become a battleground where swarms of smaller investors see themselves making an epic stand against the 1%. The funds serving the financial elite are starting to walk away…

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