This week we bought (June 4th 2020)

These are the confirmed orders for the stock that we bought this week. Because we made a nice profit on daytrading this week we had some money to spare to buy extra (and new) shares for our long term portfolio. Also this way we keep the ratio 70% stock and 30% cash in tact.

We increased our position in Zoom video because so far we made an 80% return in 3 months and we believe that it will keep rising for the next few months at least. But remember we have a really strickt stop-loss policy for this stock because it is not one of our regular wiseguys (the 50%/5Y)

AMD has been on our watchlist (the wiseguys) for a while. We bought some last week already (@ $51,00) and this week they made a small dip making it affordable again (@ $ 52,43). So we bought a small portion and made our position stronger.

Amedisys is new in our portfolio. We got a strong TA signal to buy at $ 176. So we did (twice). They are not on our wiseguys list yet because we do not have enough data to support the 50%/5Y theory but it is a strong grower (as you can see here on yahoo finance) and we believe it will be one of our wiseguys soon. And remember we have a really strickt stop-loss policy for this stock because it is not one of our regular wiseguys (the 50%/5Y). Welcome Amedisys!

We strengthened our position of arrowhead shares with an additional purchase @ $32,22. Same as with AMD and Zoom we already bought some last month (May the 5th – @$33,00) And now we got some more for cheaper. That does not change the way we view this company just a better buying opportunity.

This is a bit tricky. Wesdome just made it to our list of wiseguys. And already gave a buy signal on TA. But that does mean we did not get to study this companies charts really well. Maybe they bounce up and down all the time? So we made a small investment in to a little portion of wesdome to see how it is holding up. But we have to stick to our strategy. As soon as a company makes it to then50%5Y list (the Wiseguys) we will act on TA signals.

Over the Wiseguy

Stock trader, Owner and Administrator of "". . . "TA is like surfing. You don't have to know a lot about het physics of tides to catch a good wave. You just have to be able to sense when it's happening and have the drive to act at the right time"

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