Stock trader, Owner and Administrator of "". . . "TA is like surfing. You don't have to know a lot about het physics of tides to catch a good wave. You just have to be able to sense when it's happening and have the drive to act at the right time"

September 20th – Changes To Traffic Light & ETF


This is the latest update on our traffic-light and the changes we had to make to our ETF because of that.

In short: The traffic light represents the state of the global economy and it gives us a number. That number is the percentage of our TAA (total asset alocation) to which we have to conform our ETF.

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For the Bitcoin traders

Update: August 3rd – As predicted the Bitcoin price bounced at $11.200 Now lets wait for the lift-off. As BillBull woud say: ” 3..,2..,1.., ignition…” Bitcoin traders have seen prices of over $19,000 and as low as $ 4,000O in the span of one year. After that it has stayed…

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This week we bought

We bought because we are positive about the stock we choose for our watchlist (the wiseguys) and this week we start off with some buy orders because we believe that there are some crucial TA support levels that held nicely with these shares. All of these hit their support level…

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We bought EVO Gaming

This week we bought Evolution Gaming on the Swedish stock exchange. It has been a long time favorite on but it kept being out of reach. So in FOMO we have raised our buying price every week and now we got it. Bought EVO @ SEK 555,40 Evolution Gaming…

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twise etf

Updaet 4th of July 2020. We have important news!! Because of the continuous updates and enormous succes of the ETF we have moved from a blog post to our own web page. From now on you can find all updates on : What if had an ETF? We…

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